Labels:text | screenshot | font | black and white OCR: In 1990, the first World Freestyle Champion- ships were held, with 12 teams from five nations attending. 1990 was also the first time an American, Jerry Loftis, "skysurfed," copying the French "feet attached" style. In the Spring of 1991, Reebok's "Life Is Short, Play Hard" spot gave a dazzled U.S. audience its first glimpse of the sport. In 1995, competition skysurfing achieved its broadest audience ever, when it was made a part of the ESPN X-Games. Although the temptation is to compare skysurfing with other board sports such as snowboarding and skateboarding, skysurfers will tell you that the only shared trait is that some kind of board is used. The experience is much closer to freestyle skydiving. Following, those of you thinking of trying your hand at skysurfing will first have to